Thursday 24 June 2010

Generic conventions

Advertorial - an advertisement disguised as part of the editorial content of the newspaper or magazine.

Banner - front page headline which goes across the full width of the page.

Byline - the name of the journalist who has written the article or feature.

Caption - written text under a photograph or drawing to anchor the image.

Cover lines - summaries of the most enticing features and articles which are inside the magazine.

Editorial - a statement or comment by the editor of a magazine or newspaper (often placed near the front pages of a magazine).

Gutter - space between pages in a centre spread; sometimes used as space between two columns.

Headline - the main heading with the biggest font which relates to the main story.

Lure - A small section of a story is printed on the front page to entice readers; and the full story is advertised as continuing inside.

Masthead - the title at the top of the front page which identifies the newspaper.

Standfirst - the introductory paragraph before the main article.

Strapline - the headline in smaller font appearing above or below the main headline.

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