Wednesday 15 September 2010

Questionnaire, Results + Analysis

1. Are you male or female?

[] Male [] Female

From this it shows that the readership are mostly female but only by a small amount. It is interesting that they are almost equal, and I shall cater my articles/opinions to both genders.

2. Which age gap do you fit into?

[] 13-17 [] 18-22 [] 22-30 [] 30-40+

Judging from this it shows that a large amount of local newspaper readers are 30-40+. This is probably due to the content found in these papers, compared to magazines younger audiences would stereotypically buy.

3. How often do you buy local newspapers?

[] Regularly [] Often [] Occasionally [] Never

This obviously shows that people buy local newspapers often, and indicates the community interest by the amount they purchase one.

4. How much would you be prepared pay for a local newspaper?

[] 75p or under [] £1 -1.50 [] £2-2.50 or higher

This shows that the community would like a high quality paper without being too expensive. 75p or under might make people think the articles may be tacky or ‘tabloid-esque’.

5. Do you use your local newspaper as your main source of news?

[] Yes [] No - please specify others(TV, national papers, internet, radio etc)


Judging from this, for national/international news most people go to other types of media. I will focus all my stories/adverts etc on local events and products.

6. Which title would you prefer as your local paper?

[] Harrogate Post [] Harrogate Letter [] Harrogate Link

This shows that the general consensus is that the Harrogate Post is the preferred choice.

7. Where do you get your local newspaper from?

[] Local shop [] Supermarket [] Delivery

If on sale, this shows where I would decide to sell to my main market and target audience.

8. How often would you want a newspaper to come out?

[] Weekly [] Monthly

9. What news stories would you be most interested in?

[] Hard news [] Human Interest [] Entertainment [] Sports

Here is what my articles and other elements of the paper will be based on; Hard News and Human Interest came out on top, although I may feature some small stories and/or adverts on Entertainment and Sports.

10. Would you like advertisements/family notices in your local newspaper?

[] yes [] no

From this result I can now look to design my own advert (mostly likely to be placed at the bottom of the front page).

From these results I recieved from handing out questionnaires to locals/peers, I can now shape my newspaper to the reader's needs and wants.

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