Sunday 26 September 2010

Second page analysis (Harrogate Advertiser)

On the second page of the Harrogate Advertiser there are twelve articles, all ranging in size. The main article fills up the top third of the page and is surrounded by a thin black border to encase it. The related picture takes up most of this space, the actual story columns only take up one quarter of the box, and the title is in bold and the largest on the page.

Four of the columns down the left hand side are very small articles, ranging from 2-7 paragraphs each and only have one column. Below these at the bottom of the page there are slightly larger, including two columns. I will most likely use this layout in my own design. Also, each story is divided from one another with a pale grey line.

At the bottom right there is an advert placement, I may attempt to create my own advert for my newspaper. Also, each picture has a caption underneath stating a summary of the article; the two pictures on the page are either extreme close up or long shots.

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