Thursday 28 October 2010


By looking at the resuslts of the questionnaire, we can see that 'Harrogate Post' was the most popular choice of name. After I had decided on the classical Times New Roman font - I tried a couple different colour schemes before finally landing on light blue.

I decided against a green colour scheme as it would give the wrong impression, as most papers/leaflets which solely focus on recycling and the environment use green as their main colour.

I decided against red also because it is more common for tabloids to have this colour scheme - this is where the term 'red tops' come from (see: The Sun, Daily Star etc).

Thursday 14 October 2010

Audience feedback on final choice of photos

Here are a few of my final choices of images that I will put in my paper.

Feedback: "Good composition -shows whole building which serves its purpose."

Feedback: "Shows main entrance of building and sign - plus includes people/customers in the image which helps locality theme."

Sunday 10 October 2010

Image Manipulation

Here are some screenshots evidencing image manipulation:

Here I am cropping the image to fine tune the composition of the image by deleting the unwanted empty sides of the image.

Here I am editing the contrast/brightness to make the image pop out more to the reader.

I used Photoshop CS4 and Photoshop Elements for all image manipulation.

Monday 4 October 2010

Draft article #4


HARROGATE’S much criticised recycling system looks set for a complete recall.
Plans put forward include adding cardboard and plastic bottles to kerbside collections, replacing the black sack service with wheelie bins, and a weekly collection alternating between waste and recycling.

Grant Blakemore, from Friends of the Earth, has secured more than a thousand signatures from local residents demanding an improved service and has commented, “By signing our petition, the public is giving the council a clear message that they want to see a significant change in the recycling system.”

The Harrogate Post has revealed that last year the district was the lowest in terms of recycling household waste in North Yorkshire – at nine percent below the national target.

The council says the detail of its waste and recycling service will be planned with assessments for those in remote areas, unable to accommodate a wheelie bin.

Draft article #3


APART from a few complaints about the quality of Guns n Roses frontman Axl Rose, reports have been largely excellent. Celebrating his A-level results, local student James Ford said, “It was the best in years!”

Our own festival reviewer here at the Harrogate Post reported the only disappointment was Axl Rose’s performance. After Reading, where he was an hour late, one would expect that he would be on time. After a half hour delay GnR finally came on stage and was victim to mixed reviews even though they broke the allotted time and played past the curfew.

Also, compared to last year’s Sunday riots it was relatively quiet with only a few small issues with congestion near the NME tent.

Draft article #2

Small article.


THE borough council has confirmed that Harrogate will have its first permanent skatepark by January next year.

Changes to the design have been undertaken to cater for skateboarders as well as bikers and rollerbladers. The design has been submitted this month and is presented before planners in November.

Draft Article #1


AFTER an arduous year long construction the new 6th form has finally been completed for the new students, while last year’s lower sixth now integrate their lessons into the new block. The building and its facilities have promised to considerably improve the quality of work produced; as improvements such as the Media Suite introduce a brand new operating system, Windows 7, and desks which include a rail system allowing the computer screens to slide underneath the table for traditional handwritten lessons. Media student Will Taylor said, “It’s pretty impressive and will definitely help me with my work.”

For assemblies, drama, and music lessons there is the Forum – a large auditorium style hall including seats which can fold into the wall providing larger space for students that need it. It also has a large cinema sized projector and microphones / speakers surrounding the whole room. For relaxation, there is the ‘Cloister’, an open area located in the centre of the new block featuring a small fountain, flora and benches. Hopefully this can create a tranquil atmosphere which students can take advantage of for learning.

The ambitious project required a £2 million grant from the Learning and Skills council, this isn’t the first time Harrogate Grammar School has been generously given a sum of money to help further improve the establishment. Just a few years ago, the school received £1 million to re-build the library to be bigger and better.

Mode of Address

Modes of address can be defined as the ways in which relations between addresser and addressee are constructed in a text. In order to communicate, a producer of any text must make some assumptions about an intended audience; reflections of such assumptions may be discerned in the text. This can directly affect register and formailty depending on the target audience.

Examples include direct (pronouns such as 'you' would be used), colloquial (extreme slang is used) and exclusive (the text only applies to a certain group).

For my newspaper, I will keep formal mode of address and use quite broad lexis so it isn't too exlcusive when discussing a subject.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Second page analysis (Yorkshire Evening Post)

On the second page of the Yorkshire Evening Post there is a total of five articles, again varying in size. Down the left hand side there is an article (‘Huge cuts to roads budget) which nearly takes up the whole left hand column – stopped by a story only two paragraphs long at the bottom left of the page (‘Search for Cinderella’). The main article takes up half the page, with a small picture relating to the story. Nearly half of the main article’s space is taken up by the large bold, serif title.

The bottom half of the page is taken up by a boxout which is mostly pictures. The story has one medium, and two small sized pictures which are all medium to long shots. Below the pictures includes a long caption describing each picture separately.
Each article on the page is divided by a thin black line to make it look more organised.

Out of the two newspapers (Yorkshire Evening Post and Harrogate Advertiser) I will model my front cover on the Harrogate Advertiser, while my second page will be a mix of the two.