Sunday 3 October 2010

Second page analysis (Yorkshire Evening Post)

On the second page of the Yorkshire Evening Post there is a total of five articles, again varying in size. Down the left hand side there is an article (‘Huge cuts to roads budget) which nearly takes up the whole left hand column – stopped by a story only two paragraphs long at the bottom left of the page (‘Search for Cinderella’). The main article takes up half the page, with a small picture relating to the story. Nearly half of the main article’s space is taken up by the large bold, serif title.

The bottom half of the page is taken up by a boxout which is mostly pictures. The story has one medium, and two small sized pictures which are all medium to long shots. Below the pictures includes a long caption describing each picture separately.
Each article on the page is divided by a thin black line to make it look more organised.

Out of the two newspapers (Yorkshire Evening Post and Harrogate Advertiser) I will model my front cover on the Harrogate Advertiser, while my second page will be a mix of the two.

1 comment:

  1. Your draft articles are not opening when I try to read them. I need to see all the work you have done, on your Blog!
