Monday 4 October 2010

Draft Article #1


AFTER an arduous year long construction the new 6th form has finally been completed for the new students, while last year’s lower sixth now integrate their lessons into the new block. The building and its facilities have promised to considerably improve the quality of work produced; as improvements such as the Media Suite introduce a brand new operating system, Windows 7, and desks which include a rail system allowing the computer screens to slide underneath the table for traditional handwritten lessons. Media student Will Taylor said, “It’s pretty impressive and will definitely help me with my work.”

For assemblies, drama, and music lessons there is the Forum – a large auditorium style hall including seats which can fold into the wall providing larger space for students that need it. It also has a large cinema sized projector and microphones / speakers surrounding the whole room. For relaxation, there is the ‘Cloister’, an open area located in the centre of the new block featuring a small fountain, flora and benches. Hopefully this can create a tranquil atmosphere which students can take advantage of for learning.

The ambitious project required a £2 million grant from the Learning and Skills council, this isn’t the first time Harrogate Grammar School has been generously given a sum of money to help further improve the establishment. Just a few years ago, the school received £1 million to re-build the library to be bigger and better.

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