Thursday 16 December 2010

Audience feedback on final products

Front cover:

Second page:


Audience feedback on the final products were very good, all commenting saying how the front cover and 2nd page were successful in mimicking a real newspaper. Remarks made to the images and the actual text were also positive. The only negative was that the poster ‘doesn’t look like a real newspaper’s advert/poster’. I attempted to address this by adding information about the paper at the bottom – but the design was intentional; to not follow the norms and conventions of a newspaper poster. I felt with the front cover, second page and website I had followed the theme well, so I should do something slightly different from the norm with the poster but nothing radical.


Although there was no initial audience feedback on my website (instead I modelled it on another), mid-production feedback again helped me to add in features, widgets and more to make it feel like a real newspaper website. Feedback on the completed product commented on how the layout, articles and widgets all made it look professional. One negative feedback was that it was too bare – I have tried to address this as much I can.

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